We can ship the order to worldwide. The order is sent from China. The goods will be shipped by Fedex or UPS for the freight more than US$100
For shipment, The POST office needs your phone no for shipping. After shipped, Please track it on website below listed. You can go to local post office (coopers plains) with this tracking no and track it as well. Online tracking information on the delivery status of registered mail/parcels sent overseas is available for selected destinations. For destinations not on the list, tracking information is only available up to departure from China here link https://www.ems.com.cn/english/
Note that it has not any new information (time interval 4~12 days) when the post package is between China post and your country post office (coopers plains), Because declare to custom for exporting in China and importing in your country needs a long time.
When arrived U.S.A.: www.usps.com
When arrived Canada: http://www.canadapost.ca/
When arrived Spain : http://correos.es/comun/Localizador/2010_c1-LocalizadorE.asp
When arrived Australia: http://auspost.com.au/index.html
When arrived France: http://www.fr.chronopost.com/fr/ http://www.laposte.fr/Particulier
When arrived Italy: http://www.poste.it/online/dovequando/start.do?subaction=raccomandata
http://www.hongkongpost.com/ (HongKONG)
http://www.excelon.com.tw/ (Taiwan)
http://www.post.japanpost.jp/english/tracking/index.html (Japan)
http://service.epost.go.kr/iservice/ems/ems_eng.jsp (Korea) )
http://track.thailandpost.co.th/ (Thailand)
http://www.speedpost.com.sg/ (SINGAPORE)
http://ice.auspost.com.au/ (Austeralia)
http://www.nzpost.co.nz/Cultures/en-NZ/OnlineTools/TrackAndTrace/Track+and+Trace.htm (New Zealand)
http://www.vnpt.com.vn/ (VIETNAM)
http://www.mptc.gov.kh/Postweb/on-line_tracking.htm (Cambodia)
http://ems.posindonesia.co.id/ (Indonesia)
http://www.pos.com.my/posekspres/mainframe.asp?addr=first1.asp (Malaysia)
http://www.indiapost.org/ (INDIA)
http://www.usps.com/ (U.S.A)
http://www.canadapost.com/ (Canada)
http://www.parcelforce.com or https://www.royalmail.com/track-your-item#/ (United Kingdom) (U.K)
http://www.fr.chronopost.com/fr/ (France)
http://www.poste.it/online/dovequando/paccocelere1.shtml (ITALY)
https://www.dhl.com (GERMANY)
https://ctt.pt (Portugal)
http://www.correos.es/dinamic/plantillas/home1.asp (Spain)
http://www.postdanmark.dk/tracktrace/indexUK.jsp ( Denmark )
http://www.poste.ch/ ( Switzerland )
http://www.posten.no/Portal/ ( Norway )
http://www.posti.fi/ ( Finland )
http://etracker.emstaxipost.be/index.asp?lang=fr ( Belgium )
http://www.ept.lu/?lm1=75769FAD20A1 ( Luxemburg )
http://www.post.at/ ( Austria )
http://www.anpost.ie/AnPost ( Ireland )
http://www.emiratespost.com/ ( U.A.E )
http://www.qatarposts.com/ ( Qatar )
http://www.ep.gov.pk/ ( Pakistan )
http://www.postur.is/english/index.html ( Ice Land )
http://www.ems-garantpost.cnt.ru/ ( Russia )
http://www.postil.com/postunit.nsf/def2/index ( Israel )
http://www.emsukraine.com.ua/form.shtml ( Ukraine )
http://www.sepomex.gob.mx/Sepomex/Servicios/RastreoEMS/ ( Mexico )
http://track.ghanapost.com/ ( Ghana )
http://www.posta.sk/ ( Slovakia )
http://www.serpost.com.pe/ ( Peru )
http://www.correios.com.br/servicos/rastreamento/internacional/default.cfm?Idioma=E ( Brazil )
http://www.ugandaweb.com/ ( Uganda )
http://www.ep.gov.pk/ ( Ukraine )
http://www.pocztex.pl/ ( Poland )
http://www.belpost.by/ ( Belarus )
http://www.wjexpress.com/ (other)